Welcome To The CCR

Welcome to the California Congress of Republicans

The California Congress of Republicans (CCR) is a grass-roots political organization, founded in 1989 and permanently chartered by the California Republican Party. The CCR is built upon the shared Republican principles of limited government, lower taxes to create genuine economic opportunities, individual liberty, personal responsibility and leadership in world freedom.

California Congress of Republicans

Reorganizing Convention

Hosted by Santa Clarita Valley and Hollywood Republicans Chapters

January 23-25, 2015

Click to view and print registration form: CCR Call to Convention 1-2015

Embassy Suites Valencia

28508 Westinghouse Place
Valencia, CA 91355
Phone: 661/257-3111
Fax: 661/257-3666
Room Discount Price: $119.00/Night (B/4 1-19-15)
Mention: California Congress of Republicans for Special Block Rate
  • Friday: Evening Reception
  • Saturday: Fabulous Speakers for Lunch and Dinner, Interesting and Informative Breakout Sessions
  • Sunday: Convention Elections and Business

Plan to attend early. You won’t want to miss this event!!

President’s Message Jan. 2015


CCR has just completed 25 years as a Republican grassroots organization.  We should pat ourselves on the back and be proud of our sustained accomplishments.  But we can’t just sit back and bask in our past.  We need to push forward, set our goals higher, and prove we are in this for the long haul for the future.  So here is to our next 25 years.  Will you join with me?

To get the next 25 years rolling, we have our 2015 Reorganizing Convention coming up in less than 3 weeks.  We need your participation to help plan our future.  At the convention we will revisit our past as an organization and discuss our future. We will celebrate our accomplishments and discuss how to prevent reliving our mistakes.  We will be pushing up our sleeves and doing what we do best: be grassroots.

First, I know that our early bird registration date was January 5.  However, the Convention Committee has voted to extend this date to January 19.  I know that we were all preoccupied with the Holidays and January 5th came up too quickly.  So get those registration forms and room reservations in before January 15.  We need you now more than ever.  So please attend.

Second, I have attached another Call to Convention Registration Form.  Please sign up and plan to attend.  We need to come together as a force to be reckoned with throughout the state to get Republicans elected, register voters and make a difference in our communities that carries forward to the top officials of our state.  We have made a difference in the past 25 years; so let’s get started on making that difference for the next 25.

Third, I am attaching our planned program for Saturday, January 24.  We have confirmed Ron Nehring to give us a presentation analysis of the November 2014 Election Cycle in the morning.  And we have confirmed CRP Chairman Jim Brulte to provide a presentation on Republican momentum, Common Goals, and Working Together in the afternoon.  Additionally, we have confirmed Assemblyman Scott Wilk (R-38AD) as our lunch speaker; and newly sworn-in Congressman Steve Knight (R-25CD) as our dinner speaker.  Entertainment will be provided by Comedian/Conservative Commentator Evan Sayat. We have a Government Resources Panel made up of representatives from each level of government to discuss common issues and how they help constituents so we can pass this information on to our members.  We also have a panel planned for CCR Roles and Responsibilities so we can better work together as a team to accomplish our common goals.  Finally, we have a panel planned with a representative from each chapter to discuss what their chapter did in the 2014 Election Cycle to help get republicans elected.  This is intended to be interactive.

We will be hosting a Century Club Reception before dinner.  So get your Century Club dues in to Charlie Huff, CCR Treasurer, 2656 Doolittle Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006.

I am very glad that I have had the opportunity to get to know many of you over these past many months.  I am looking forward to being with you at our Convention in a few weeks.  Please plan on attending.  It is important that each chapter attends to have its voice heard and its votes counted.

Finally, a bit of housekeeping needs to be done.  If your chapter has not paid its dues for 2014, please get them in right away.  Dues are $6 per member.  Send dues to Charlie Huff, CCR Treasurer. 2656 Doolittle Ave. Arcadia, CA 91006.  To have voting delegates at the convention, we need your dues paid and your roster.  We are requesting that the roster contain name, address, phone number and email address of each member. We also need to know who the chapter officers are. Rosters should be emailed to [email protected].

Together we can make 2015 a great year to continue the momentum that we need for the 2016 elections.  Let’s make that difference.  Let’s start at our Convention.  See you there.

Patty Kelly, CCR President

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