California Congress of Republicans (CCR)

(in conjunction with CCR Chapters throughout the State)

Hosts the

“The Attack on Prop. 13:
The Split-Roll Initiative”

July 15, 2020 at 6:30pm

on Zoom

with Joel Fox

Co-Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Fox & Hounds Daily
Former President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

Mr. Fox will be speaking on the benignly titled, “California Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative,”[i] what others refer to as “the Split-Roll Initiative.”

The California Chamber of Commerce was reportedly silent on California’s tax increases in 2012[ii].   To the consternation of tax burdened Californians, it also recommended voting “no” on the repeal of California’s oppressive gas tax (“Prop 6”).[iii]   Thankfully, things change.  The Chamber has come out of its corner, fighting against the Split Roll Initiative[iv] (bankrolled by the Chan-Zuckerberg Foundation, the California Teachers Association and others in excess of $14 million[v]).  Opponents, such as the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and the Chamber, are reportedly being significantly outspent by opponents.  With businesses and the middle class fleeing tax-and-spend California, the Sacramento Bee reports the dire consequences if the Split Roll Initiative succeeds:

“The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors said the new proposal still “would be the largest tax increase in California ever.” It projects that property taxes could rise by 25 percent for businesses.”[vi]


Introductory Remarks by

Peter Coe Verbica

California Congress of Republicans

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