California Congress of Republicans (CCR)

(in conjunction with CCR Chapters throughout the State)

Hosts the

The Return of Discrimination?
Prop 16 is on the November Ballot

August 19, 2020 at 6:30pm

on Zoom

Is ACA 5 (now Proposition 16 on the November ballot) the Return of Discrimination?  The California Congress of Republicans (“CCR”) and its supporting chapters welcome the dynamic duo of Lydia Ortega, Ph.D., Chair emeritus of the SJSU Economics Department, and Gail Heriot, Professor at the University of San Diego School of Law and Commissioner on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Prop 16, the Left-leaning ballot measure seeks to strip away the inclusive and meritorious standards set forth by Proposition 209 (also known as the “Civil Rights Initiative”).  209 eliminated California’s discrimination based on gender or race.  Proposition 209 was heralded by UC Regent and multi-racial Ward Connelly, approved by a majority of the State’s voters and upheld by the California Supreme Court in a 6-1 decision.

Those opposed to Prop 16 argue that ending affirmative action actually benefited minority groups academically, while others report evidence that “[da]ata show that ending affirmative action actually benefited minority groups academically.”[i]



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Republican State Senator Ling Ling Chang, in her opposition to ACA 5, laments, “The answer to discrimination is not more discrimination.” 

Introductory Remarks by

Peter Coe Verbica

California Congress of Republicans

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