We all should have received our ballots by now. It is the election Season in California. I cannot stress enough how important it is for each of us to vote. And we must convince all our family members, friends, neighbors to vote as well. Many of us are working with local campaigns to get out Republican voters by phone banking, door knocking, sign waving, and financial support. This is particularly important, but do not forget to have your closest relationships vote.

Getting Republicans out to vote is especially important since we are only 24% of the registered voters in California. Presidential elections historically have higher voter turnout, with 70% voting in 2020. Terrible policies by the current Democrat controlled regime have caused high inflation, unprecedented gasoline prices, poor economic conditions for businesses,  out of control crime, massive homelessness problem, open border crisis, fentanyl deaths, and demonization of parents by public school officials. These issues are motivating Republican and NPP voters while discouraging Democrat voters. If 80% of Republicans vote while only 50% of Democrats vote, we can break the stranglehold the Democratic supermajority has on California. It is not realistic to think we can win every race, but we must re-elect our Republican incumbents while we add more Republicans to Congress, Assembly and State Senate. The most impactful influences on our own living conditions are the policies and ordinances made by our local offices.  Do not overlook the importance of electing qualified, responsible candidates for city council, water board, and school board offices. Removing the one party dominated legislature begins with baby steps, but I believe we can make a big jump this cycle.